Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Soft Pretzels: Bacon + Cheese, Plain and Bacon Dog

We're home bound these days and I only had 3 hot dog buns in the freezer. Between the teacher's strike, my husband running errands and being home bound, I decided I would make soft pretzels this afternoon. I read that 60 minutes is required to let the dough rise (on multiple recipes) and discussed the wait with the kids, but they didn't seen to mind.

I went with a recipe from allrecipes.com: "Buttery Soft Pretzels" by Christa Rose (with some slight modifications).

I found the dough rather dry after steps 1 and 2, so I ended up adding 2 tablespoons of water.

I kneaded the dough for 5 minutes on my stand mixer. It was still heavy and not right in opinion but I let the yeast do its magic. 

I let the dough rise for 50 minutes and halved the dough. I placed 1/2 back in the greased bowl and divided the other 1/2 into 6 logs for 6 beef wieners that I had pre-cooked.

I dipped the logs for 30 seconds in the baking soda and water and slit the logs to fit in the wiener. I also snuck half a slice of processed cheese and topped them off with grated mozzarella cheese. 

I baked them for 10 minutes and added bacon bits and more grated cheese to the top of the pretzel dogs.

I found that the bacon and cheese didn't really add anything more to the pretzel dog, but it was worth a try in my opinion.

It brings me back to the days of a whistle dogs... love a little nostalgia.

I baked miniature pretzels with the other 1/2 of the dough that was reserved in the greased bowl. I had some bacon bits and grated cheese leftover so I ended up with 2 variations of the classic soft pretzel. These mini's took about 10 minutes in the oven.

I can hardly wait to make these again. The recipe has surely earned my family's approval!

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