Friday, April 6, 2012

Raspberry Cream Puff

Ever since I made gougères, I've been thinking about trying it's sweet alter ego, the cream puff (also known as choux pastry).

I found the following recipe from and decided to fill mine with a 'raspberry flavored whip cream.' 

Happy Easter!

Gabrielle's Raspberry Whip Cream Recipe:

1/4 cup Frozen Raspberries
1/4 cup Orange Juice
1 teaspoon Sugar

250 ml Whipping Cream
1 tablespoon Confectioners Sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla

Bring orange juice, frozen raspberries, and sugar to a boil and immediately place in refrigerator (or freezer) to cool.

Whip cream with confectioners sugar and vanilla.

Fold in cooled raspberries (as desired) and fill cream puffs.

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