Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day 2012

A couple of our friends have birthday's this (and next) month so we decided to celebrate both of them this Valentine's Day morning.

My friend saw a bouquet that she thought we could replicate from Martha Stewart's website. We went shopping over the weekend and picked up our supplies. The outer vase is a parfait/trifle/candy dish with Sweethearts candy, and the fresh tulips were placed in a votive candle holder with water. We gave a bouquet to each of the beautiful birthday ladies.

Below, are my Valentine's party appetizers that I contributed for a party over the weekend. Love is certainly in the air! Everywhere I turn!

This was the frozen batch of the three-cheese gougère from a few days ago. They took a lot longer to cook; approximately 30 minutes to bake from frozen. There were about 3 left from a plate of 50+. That's quite a response to a first try. Therefore, you must try!

The butter fudge made its way around the Valentine's circuit once again but this time with hint of coffee - Starbucks VIA coffee to be more precise! I loved the new twist on our classic favorite.

Happy Valentine's Day, 2012! Gabrielle xo

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